The integration between doDOC and PowerPoint Online enables users to collaboratively edit and comment PPTX files uploaded to doDOC.
Licenses and subscriptions
This integration is available to clients through a specific license that must be requested to and approved by doDOC Corp. Please contact for additional information.
Once the doDOC license for this integration is in place, only users with an active Office 365 license will be able to use the PowerPoint Online Editor. Otherwise, users can still access and comment the file on the PowerPoint Online Viewer.
Uploading a PPTX file to doDOC
Uploading a PPTX file is similar to other file types in doDOC. The user will need Edit or Owner permissions on the mother folder in order to upload the file.
Once the file has been uploaded, the same permissions of the mother folder are applied by default to the file. These permissions can be altered by selecting the file and going to the Share button in the Explorer.
IMPORTANT NOTE: doDOC controls access to this file based on the sharing that you apply on it, regardless of your corporate sharing restrictions in your Sharepoint or Teams environment. This is because once the PPTX file has been uploaded to doDOC, it is technically not in your corporate environment any longer. In doDOC, you can define if a person will be able to view the document, comment and/or edit it.
Opening a PPTX in PowerPoint Online through doDOC
A user selects the PPTX file and then goes to the More options menu in the Explorer. Two options will appear available in the list:
- View in PowerPoint for the Web
- Edit in PowerPoint for the Web
When a user is editing or viewing a file in the PowerPoint Online Editor, they must be aware that that file resides in the doDOC platform. This is managed by Office 365, showing that it's being saved back to doDOC. Any change introduced to the document is automatically saved back to doDOC.